Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment
1Do you have a standalone policy on sexual harassment in the workplace?
2Which of the following does your standalone sexual harassment policy include?
Yes | No | Don't know | |
A statement that sexual harassment and victimisation won’t be tolerated in your business | |||
Who the policy covers and responsibilities of managers and staff | |||
Information on aggravating factors that will be taken into account in deciding on disciplinary action | |||
A procedure for dealing with complaints of harassment | |||
Information on addressing third party harassment | |||
Information on protecting confidentiality | |||
A commitment to review the policy regularly |
3How would an employee make a formal report of sexual harassment if it happened in your workplace?
4Who is responsible for dealing with a report of sexual harassment if it happens in your workplace?
5Does this person receive training or other support to deal with reports of workplace sexual harassment?
6Has sexual harassment ever been reported in your business?
7Are employees in your business ever involved in the following situations?
8Has a senior leader ever issued an all-staff message or made a statement on how your business deals with workplace sexual harassment?
9Have you ever sought the views of your employees on potential experiences of workplace sexual harassment?
10What does the gender balance of your senior leaders and managers look like?
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