Pregnancy and maternity

Pregnancy and maternity

1When you’re recruiting, do you consider if a woman is likely to have children?

2Would you hire a woman who is pregnant?

3Do you consider pregnant staff for promoted roles?

4Do you have any of the following policies? (Please select all that apply, even if they are part of a larger policy, for example, a family friendly working policy.)

Maternity Leave policy
Paternity Leave policy
Adoption Leave policy
Parental Leave policy
Shared Parental Leave policy

5Do you offer any of the following types of enhanced pay? (please select all that apply)

Enhanced Maternity pay
Enhanced Paternity pay
Enhanced Adoption pay
Enhanced Shared Parental Leave pay (mother/main adoptive parent)
Enhanced Shared Parental Leave pay (father/partner)

6When paying Statutory Maternity Pay do you stop paying this to a staff member in any of the following situations?

7Do you recalculate a staff member’s average pay for additional Statutory Maternity Pay or Contractual Maternity Pay if she receives a pay rise?

8How long do you keep records of Statutory Maternity payments?

9Do you maintain a staff member’s contractual terms and conditions, such as annual leave, during their maternity leave?

10Do you have guidelines on using annual leave entitlement after maternity leave?

11Do you have a policy on Keeping-In-Touch days for staff on maternity leave?

12When a staff member returns to work after maternity leave do they return to the same job?

13When a staff member is returning to work from maternity leave, do you offer a phased return?

14Do you schedule time with staff to catch-up on changes within the business once they have returned to work?

15Are staff offered the opportunity to attend any training or development opportunities they may have missed during their maternity leave?

16Do you have any specific initiatives to support staff when they return to work from maternity leave, for example, a women returners programme?

17Are staff able to take time off for dependants when there is an emergency?

18Do you have the equivalent policies and procedures for staff on adoption leave as those on maternity leave?

19Do you recalculate a staff member’s average pay for additional Statutory Adoption Leave or Contractual Adoption pay if they receive a pay rise?

20Do you maintain a staff member’s contractual terms and conditions, such as annual leave, during their adoption leave?

21Do you have guidelines on using annual leave entitlement after adoption leave?

22Do you have guidelines on staying in contact with staff through Keeping-In-Touch days on adoption leave?

23When a staff member returns to work after adoption leave do they return to the same job?

24When a staff member is returning to work from adoption leave, do you offer a phased return to work?

25Do you schedule time with staff to catch-up on the period once they have returned to work?

26Are staff offered the opportunity to attend any training or development opportunities they may have missed during their adoption leave?

27Do you have any specific programmes to support staff when they return to work from adoption leave?

28Are fathers/partners able to take paid leave for antenatal appointments?

29Do you offer paid paternity leave for longer than the statutory minimum of two weeks?

30Are staff able to take unpaid Parental Leave? (Parental Leave is the 18 weeks of leave that can be taken in blocks of weeks)

31Are staff able to take Shared Parental Leave? (Shared Parental Leave is 52 weeks of leave that can be shared in blocks between the parents.)

32Do you have a policy on Shared-Parental-Leave-In-Touch (SPLIT) days?

33Do you carry out a risk assessment when a staff member advises you that they’re pregnant?

34Please select what action you would take in the following situations?

 Refer to existing risk assessmentComplete new risk assessmentNo risk assessment needs to be conducted
Staff member returns to work within 6 months of giving birth.
Staff member notifies you she is breastfeeding.

35Do any of your female staff require PPE to do their jobs?

36If your staff require personal protective equipment (PPE) to carry out their jobs do you ensure that pregnant staff have well-fitting and appropriately sized equipment?

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